Service request

To add new service request you need to register (read introduction), report the problem (read how to add the technical application) and:
  1. after receiving an e-mail with the status "Accepted" should again go to the TSP, click on Check status for existing issue (Pic. 1), select the application from the list (click on the name of the topic), export them to a .pdf file by selecting Export to PDF (Pic. 2) and print


    Pic. 1 – Check status for existing issue
    Pic.2 – Export to PDF

  2. Document printed from the TSP should be packed with the device / devices, and proof of purchase (invoice), and then sent to the company:

    TECHBASE Group Sp. z o.o.
    ul. Pana Tadeusza 14
    80-123 Gdańsk

    Customer sends the complaint unit at his own expense. TECHBASE Group Sp. z o.o. sends the device at his own expense.

  3. The customer will be kept informed by e-mail notification about changes status, Progress, and the responses and questions of technicians in hiss issue.
  4. Customer may check the status of his application / notification at any time and edit them or respond by placing additional information on our website TechBase Support Portal by clicking on Check status for existing issue (Pic. 1), selecting the problem from the list and then editing them using the option Update (Pic. 3) in the upper right corner, or responding by clicking Add answer in the lower left corner (Pic. 3).
  5. After considering the application by the technical department, the issue receives the status of "reasoned" or "unreasonable", together with a commentary explaining the decision. The device on the same day goes into the logistics department and shall be returned to the client, or when replacing the new unit, is sent to new hardware.
  6. Along with the returned unit, you will find a form with reason for the status given to the issue.
Pic. 3 – Update/Edit and Add ansewer functions location
Articles in Categories: Technical support Collapse
TechBase Support Portal
All technical problems and service requests should be reported by the TSP (Techbase Support Portal)
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Technical application
To properly submit the application on the TSP site must register (read introduction) and...
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