Packages release notes 2013-10-29

Publication date: 2013-10-29
Last modification: 2014-02-26
Package name NPE 9XXX NPE X1000
APACHE 1301150856 1310310159
CURL 1301150856 1402141446
FIRMWARE 1307091018 1402251251 NEW
GPRS 1308271203 1402141446
GPS 1311201352 ---
IMOD 1310250906 1311190845
IMODCLOUD 1309041051 1310310344
JAVA 1301150856 1402191506 NEW
LIBNPE 1402181456 NEW 1311190845
MYSQL --- 1310310633
NPETOOLS 1306181052 1310310612
NXS 1304102010 1310310212
ONEWIRE 1304170815 1402141446
OPENSSL 1201110905 1310291317
OPENVPN 1308291237 1310310950
PHP 1211081521 1306211235
POSTGRESQL 1205161350 1310301806
PYTHON 1301150856 1306241356
RUBY 1205041059 1307161651
SOFTMGR 1102081414 1311051321
SMS 1308271204 1311280959
SSH 1205161350 1402141446
USB 1308271202 1402141446

New functionalities


Upcoming new functionalities

Known issues

How to update?

After installation new firmware, reboot device is require.

Planned date of launching new version:

Older release notes:

If you have further questions, please visit TechBase Support Portal